"I started lifting back in high school. I didn’t really take it seriously though until I was in college. I was just your average bench-and-curls kind of guy pretty much. One day in college, I went to a powerlifting practice. I was very nervous.. I didn’t really want to show up and I saw all these kids taking it super seriously. And that kind of shook me. I was like ‘you know what, this looks awesome. I think I could handle this and I really want to try my best and work at it’ and it just became my passion over time. '"
"I feel like every step in the gym is like another step towards making me greater."
"I’m on a program and right now I’m working out 5 days a week. I take off Wednesdays and Sundays. Once I get to the gym it’s just the greatest feeling. I just really enjoy doing what I do - putting up big numbers is a slow process of course, but I feel like every step in the gym is like another step towards making me greater."

"You just always want to strive for more. So sky’s the limit, you just keep going up."
"Honestly, my friends are my motivation. I have a lot of very good friends. Actually the guy who made my program always sends me texts and I see his progress and I want to emulate that. And honestly, I try to be the best at what I do. So I always strive to be better. I don’t like to show it but deep down I would say I am a competitor. I try to dominate humbly in a sense. I don’t like to show off or anything but when it comes down to it at a competition, for example, it’s just go time."

"I don’t remember where I found this but my favorite quote is 'The day you start working out is the day you’re never satisfied.' You just always want to strive for more. So sky’s the limit, you just keep going up. I really just want to see how far I can go. Because this summer especially, I’m making some serious progress and I just want to keep going. "